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Download / How to use it?

  1. Open PowerShell (Not CMD). To do that, right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal.
  2. Copy and paste the code below and press enter
irm | iex

Alternatively, you can use the following (It will be deprecated in the future.)

irm | iex
  1. You will see the activation options. Choose [1] HWID for Windows activation. Choose [2] Ohook for Office activation.
  2. That's all

Not working ❓

  • If you are unable to launch MAS using the PowerShell method, please refer to Method 2 listed above.
  • If MAS is launched and the script shows any errors, check for any troubleshooting steps mentioned in blue color and try to follow those.
  • If you have any issues, please feel free to reach out to us here.

  • The IRM command in PowerShell downloads a script from a specified URL, and the IEX command executes it.
  • Always double-check the URL before executing the command and verify the source if manually downloading files.
  • Be cautious, as some spread malware disguised as MAS by using different URLs in the IRM command.

MAS Latest Release

Last Release - v3.0 (14-Feb-2025)
GitHub / Azure DevOps / Self-hosted Git


  • HWID (Digital License) Method to Permanently Activate Windows
  • Ohook Method to Permanently Activate Office
  • TSforge Method to Permanently Activate Windows/ESU/Office
  • KMS38 Method to Activate Windows Till the Year 2038
  • Online KMS Method to Activate Windows/Office For 180 Days (Lifetime With Renewal Task)
  • Advanced Activation Troubleshooting
  • $OEM$ Folders For Preactivation
  • Change Windows Edition
  • Change Office Edition
  • Check Windows/Office Activation Status
  • Available in All In One and Separate Files Versions
  • Fully Open Source and Based on Batch Scripts
  • Fewer Antivirus Detections

Activations Summary

Activation TypeSupported ProductActivation PeriodIs Internet Needed?
HWIDWindows 10-11PermanentYes
TSforgeWindows / ESU / OfficePermanentNo
KMS38Windows 10-11-ServerTill the Year 2038No
Online KMSWindows / Office180 Days. Lifetime With Renewal TaskYes

For more details, use the respective activation details in Docs and comparison chart.
To activate unsupported products such as Office on Mac, check here.



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